About Handspeaker


Since the beggining of time comunication is the most important tool even more than weapons. Thanks to the language human has been able to progress in enormous steps and now in modern times its more powerfull, lenguages are a key for professional areas, trips, multiculturality, to know how people in other parts of the world live. Little details like the composition of a word changes everything, each lenguage is the door for another colture, everyone amazing in their own ways.

Knowing that its very usefull to know at least one besides your mother language, if you are poyglote an infinity of jobs would appear. Even tho every lenguage its usefull according to the situationship there are ones that are universal therefore is easier to communicate with. Chinease, english and spanish are consider this kind of lenguages that if a person doesnt speak one the others yes.

Thanks to the advasments of the technology knowing a lenguage is not nessesary anymore if you want to communicate with another person, the only thing you need is just a click and in miliseconds you get the translation of 164 different lenguages in an instant.

But there is one language that is speaken by 70 million people around the world and dispite of this quantity an accesible translator hasnt been created yet. Its imposible the little visibility that this enormous language has, with a lot of variations according to the country, is the one that people and even institutions care less about teach and less to create an easy translator.

Thats why we developed Signify, and because of according to the Britanic Encyclopedia the most spokeaken language in the world is english, we selected the american sign language. With every letter incomporated its possible to translate complex orations, deaf people exist and although it was a small number its nessesary give the imprtance that deserves.

We comunicate to minds and hearts.